Nov 12, 2007

Ripping it up at W&T's

Belleruche gig was great and it was a real bummer if you didn’t get to see their quirky lil’ act. Like Portishead on a fresh prescription of uppers from the local GP. I must admit and blow my own trumpet that I played a cracker of a set and am now so eager for the next Funkinc party. I dug my heels in and played a furious funk 45 set, one of which I’ve given you a little sample of here. The Kay Gees theme to the TV show Party, “Hustle wit Every Muscle"
The Kay Gees, A funk outfit formed in Jersey City, NJ, Kay-Gee's had some valuable mentors in Kool & the Gang, specifically Ronald Bell, who was happy to serve as producer, arranger, and sometimes songwriter for his younger brother Kevin's band. I’ve never been sure what the name Kay Gees represented and always thought it were a acronym spin of Kool & The Gang, especially with the tight relationship. Non the less they played and recorded some blow funk tracks and I’m glad to have this and few other on original Gang records 45’s

Listen to: Hustle Wit Every Muscle

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